Watch a special message from Dr. Jeremiah!
Sale of Business
Dale and Cindy Kelton had supported the ministry financially in a small way through the Circle of Friends for many years and had grown to love Dr. Jeremiah and the ministry over those years. They knew what a positive effect Turning Point had made in their lives as well as countless others that God touched from the daily teaching of God's word by Dr. Jeremiah through the Turning Point television, radio and print ministry.
Dale and Cindy were in the middle of negotiating the sale of their business when they were invited to a Turning Point event. They had prayed over the sale and wanted to give God His portion but were not really sure how to go about structuring it. They had several meetings with their accountant and financial advisors who had given advice that would help them try to save as many tax dollars as possible.
Dale: "Saving tax dollars seems to be the focal point of all financial advice, not a bad thing, but Cindy and I felt there was more to it. We were told many times it is easier to just pay your taxes but we both felt that there was something missing. We felt God was leading us into another level of our giving and trusting in Him."
At the Turning Point event, Dale and Cindy heard from a gift planner that planning gifts doesn't just mean estate planning but also what you can do with your assets while you're alive and you get to see the results of your fruit. They learned that by assigning a portion or all of an asset to a ministry or charitable fund allows you to give to the Kingdom at 100% of its value free from tax as well as being able to take full advantage of the charitable giving tax laws.
Dale and Cindy prayed about what God wanted them to do. When they returned home they restructured the sale of their business. Prior to the sale they assigned a percentage of their company over to a charitable fund that would allow them to invest in the Kingdom plus be able to take full advantage of the tax laws that were in place.
Dale: "Learning how to wisely invest in the Kingdom through the gift design program has brought more rewards than we ever imagined. Being able to see our Kingdom investment producing fruit brings great joy and fulfillment to our lives just knowing we were able to be a small part through the ministry of Turning Point."